This Philco model 54S "owl eye" radio was
offered as an alternate styling to the early
model 54C (which looks like the early
This compact cabinet contains a 5-tube two-
band superheterodyne receiver designed for
ac/dc operation. It was introduced in June of
1934 with a list price of $35 ($37.50 West of
the Rockies). The front of the cabinet uses
photo-finish and this same cabinet was also
used for the companion (ac-only) model 59S
(priced at $29.95).

This is a 5-tube ac/dc-powered superhet
with tube line-up 6A7 (mixer/LO), 78 (IF), 75
(2nd det/agc/1st AF), 43 (power output) and
25Z5 (rectifier). Band coverage is standard
broadcast from 540-1500kc and shortwave
from 1.5-3.2mc. The waveband selector
switch is at the rear. Two wire-wound
resistance columns, mounted in the rear of
the chassis, are used as filament voltage
droppers. Both the 54C and 54S use the
same two-band 5-tube chassis.  

This radio is a fully fledged superhet with a
very respectable performance. Its highly
compact chassis is an excellent example of
early miniaturization!
Philco Model 54S "Owl Eye" Table (Mantel) Radio (1934)
Philco 54S ..latest features provide beautiful tone and amazing performance.
Plug-In Anywhere! This smart
PHILCO compact operates either
on Alternating or Direct current.
Latest features provide beautiful
tone and amazing performance.
Exceptional value! Ideal for home,
office, traveler or student.
Philco 54S 'owl eye' Compact Table Radio
Philco Model 54S (June 1934) Bottom Sticker View
click any thumnail to enlarge
Oct 10th 1934,
Dec 9th 1934, Texas