Sparton (Sparks-Withington) 507 Mantel Radio (1936/37)
This rarely seen Sparton model 507 compact
1936 as the follow on to the previous season's
model 506 compact. Other than a new dial, the
chassis is identical to that used in the 506.
The radio's two vertical chrome stripes and its
stepped, tiered top provide interest to what
would have otherwise been a rather plain and
uninspiring cabinet.
"A personal, compact, efficient, small walnut radio with dignified chrome trim, to entertain you wherever you go. Five tubes, 110V, AC-DC, that plugs into any light socket. Offers American broadcast, short-wave band, tone-control and other features"
A personal compact... with dignified chrome trim.
Height 73/4 inches Width 11 inches Depth 5 inches
The radio has been re-finished at some time and the grille cloth may be a replacement. I've not
seen another to be sure.